სისხლში ქოლესტერინის დაბალმა დონემ შესაძლოა ცუდად იმოქმედოს თქვენს იმუნიტეტზე - ამ სათაურითაა გამოქვეყნებული ექიმ სტვენ სინატრას სტატია ერთ-ერთ ინგლისურენოვან საიტზე ავტორი აღნიშნავს: - ,,დაბალი ქოლესტერინის დროს სუსტდება ორგანიზმის მდგრადობა ინფექციების მიმართ, რაც იმით აიხსნება, რომ სისხლში ლიპიდებს და მათ შორის, ქოლესტერინს განსაკუთრებული როლი აკისრია ორგანიზმის დამცველობით სისტემაში, მიკრობებზე და მათ ტოქსინებზე გამაუვნებელი და ინაქტივაციური ზემოქმედების გამო. სტატიის სრულ ინგლისურენოვან ვერსიას ქვემოთ გთავაზობთ...
Low Cholesterol Levels Can Hurt Your Immune System
Filed Under: Immune Health, Cholesterol
Last Reviewed 12/02/2014

With wintertime cold and flu season coming around, this seems like a good time to remind you that cholesterol is not your enemy. It’s made naturally in the body for many essential purposes, from healthy cell membrane construction to brain function. Plus, your immune system requires cholesterol in order to function properly.
In fact, we can add “immune system deficit” to the list of statin drug side effectssince low cholesterol levels can make you more susceptible to infections. That’s because blood lipids, including cholesterol, play a key role in the body’s defense system by binding and inactivating microbes and their toxins.
Numerous Studies Have Shown a Cholesterol-Immune System Connection
In 1997, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Clinical Pharmacology checked the immune systems of healthy adult men (average age 46) who had either high or low cholesterol. There were significantly fewer circulating white blood cells in the low cholesterol group, suggesting a less efficient immune system.
A 1998 investigation into the association between total cholesterol and risk of infections (other than respiratory and HIV) diagnosed within the California Kaiser Permanente system tracked some 55,000 men and 65,000 women for 15 years (1979–1993). What they found is that higher total cholesterol was more protective.
Higher cholesterol reduces the risk of respiratory infections, according to an earlier study by the same researchers as the above study, using slightly fewer cases. The risk was stronger among men, and in older compared to younger participants. Asthma was not related to cholesterol.
Individuals with LDL cholesterol below 70 have 15 times the risk of developing cancer, and five times the risk of contracting sepsis (blood poisoning), according to a 2007 Israeli study of 203 patients.
What’s the Bottom Line for You?
The research on cholesterol and the immune system is clear—higher levels of cholesterol protect us against infections of all kinds and from all sources. This protection applies to you whether you’re a man or a woman, young or old, hospitalized or not.
So, what should your cholesterol levels be? In general, you want a total cholesterol level between 180-250 mg/dL. Most importantly, for immunity a suitable LDL cholesterol level is between 80-140 mg/dL, but not any lower. However, your cholesterol fractions and subtypes are also important—here are the levels I recommend.
Also, if you’re on a statin medication purely for cholesterol lowering you may want to consider talking to your doctor about getting off of them. While I don’t hesitate to prescribe statin drugs for men under age 75 with diagnosed cardiovascular disease or significant risk factors for heart disease, for most others the side effects can far outweigh the benefits.
Now it’s your turn: Have you found that low cholesterol has affected your immune system?
წყარო: http://www.drsinatra.com/low-cholesterol-levels-can-hurt-your-immune-system/
გადასვლა: ქოლესტერინი
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