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Researchers Find Link Between Cholesterol and Asthma
By Robin Arnette
November 2009
November 2009

The study by Fessler, above, was featured in the JACI Highlights
for October. (Photo courtesy of Steve McCaw)

Researchers from NIEHS, SRA International and Rho Federal Systems, led by NIEHS Principal Investigator Michael B. Fessler, MD , have concluded that serum total cholesterol (TC) and non high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C) are inversely related to asthma and wheeze in a representative sample of the US population. The authors noted that this finding in the overall population was chiefly driven by a marked relationship among Mexican Americans (MAs). This study

Stavros Garantziotis, MD, the medical director of the NIEHS Clinical Research Unit (CRU) said, "The results highlight the fact that patients need to be evaluated within the context of their individual genetic background when looking for clues and treatment options."
Before they initiated the investigation, Fessler and his colleagues were aware of the work that had been done in other labs regarding the relationship between cholesterol and inflammation. A few groups had determined that dyslipidemia - a condition marked by abnormal concentrations of lipids or lipoproteins in the blood - caused vascular inflammation through the activation of innate immunity. Other laboratories had discovered evidence that cholesterol metabolism and inflammation were linked in the lung.
The team's main goal was to test for an independent relationship between serum cholesterol concentrations and asthma prevalence, but it also wanted to test for a relationship between serum cholesterol and wheeze requiring medical attention, a strong indicator of poorly controlled asthma and other obstructive lung disease.
To this end, the Fessler group conducted a cross-sectional study of 7005 subjects, aged six years and older, who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2005 - 2006, a program designed to assess the health and nutritional status of the US population. Participants were classified into five racial/ethnic groups: non-Hispanic white (NHW), non-Hispanic black (NHB), MA, other Hispanic and other/multi-race. The NHANES measured serum TC and HDL-C, and administered questionnaires to assess physician-diagnosed asthma and wheeze.
At the start of the project, the group was unsure of what it would find. "We didn't know whether cholesterol was going to have any relationship with asthma," Fessler explained. "There wasn't a lot of precedent for how to approach it."
The results demonstrated that serum TC and non-HDL-C were lower in patients with asthma and wheeze compared to those without these illnesses. When the racial/ethnic results were examined, team members found that this inverse relationship was specific to MAs. They found no difference in HDL-C levels between asthmatics and non-asthmatics. In addition, the relationship was independent of body mass index (BMI), an established asthma risk factor, and serum C-reactive protein (CRP), an inflammatory biomarker.
The data confirmed and built upon findings from other groups that had reported that MAs have the lowest prevalence of asthma in the country, despite increased asthma risk factors such as low socioeconomic status and obesity. Fessler said the reasons why this demographic group exhibits these features of asthma are unknown, but noted that further investigation into the topic may provide valuable information on asthma pathogenesis and treatment.
Darryl Zeldin, MD, acting director of the NIEHS Clinical Research Program and a co-author on the paper, said that even though the results should be independently confirmed in another cohort, the study raised some interesting clinical questions. He added, "Is serum cholesterol a predictive biomarker of asthma diagnosis or treatment responsiveness? Do statins or other cholesterol lowering agents modify asthma risk? Further research will be necessary to address these issues in a more conclusive way."
Citation : Fessler MB, Massing MW, Spruell B, Jaramillo R, Draper DW, Madenspacher JH, Arbes SJ, Calatroni A, Zeldin DC.

წყარო: http://www.niehs.nih.gov/news/newsletter/2009/november/science-researchers.cfm
გადასვლა: ქოლესტერინი
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